27th June 2024

Major Transport Hub To Serve Teesworks and New Electric Arc Furnace Approved

A major transport facility to serve increasing numbers of vehicles coming to the Teesworks site has been approved ahead of a new Electric Arc Furnace arriving on Teesside.

British Steel was granted planning permission in April for the installation of an Electric Arc Furnace, at Lackenby, to use greener technology to melt scrap and produce new steel.

With hundreds more jobs to come, and more lorries coming to site, a new transport hub south of the existing Lackenby works is required – with 150 HGV parking spaces, more than 200 parking spaces, bus stops and facilities for HGV drivers.

The new hub was unanimously approved by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Regulatory Committee on Wednesday (26 June). A new lane off the A66 Tees Dock roundabout and road widening to cope with extra traffic was also given the green light by Councillors.

Security Fencing with gatehouses controlling access into the Lackenby and British Steel sites and a footpath link to access shops and facilities at the nearby proposed Teesworks Services Complex will form part of the vision.

Bus stops and a hydrogen refuelling station will also sit on the complex.

The improvements were earmarked funding approved by the Tees Valley Mayor and Combined Authority as part of a £1billion transport vision earlier this year.

Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen said: “This planning sign off is another big step forward as we bring steelmaking back to Teesside.

“We can now get cracking with this new access road and lorry park paving the way for this huge investment in Teesside that will restore the heart to our industry.

“We have a record of getting things done and this is another thing ticked off unlocking hundreds of jobs on the site.

“More investment. More jobs. More progress.”

Chris Musgrave OBE, Chairman of Teesworks, said: “This complex is a key part of our wider masterplan for Teesworks and will offer vital facilities for tenants and their workers.

“Securing this planning now will ensure we meet the increasing demands for our infrastructure as British Steel’s new development comes on-line, and more investors move onto the site.

“Teesworks is creating jobs, opportunities and prosperity on Teesside and having British Steel as part of this vision is a big boost.

“I’m delighted Councillors have approved these plans and we’re looking forward to making more progress.”

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